
Hi. My name is Kaylo Littlejohn.

I’m a 4th year Ph.D. student in EECS at UC Berkeley fortunate to be advised by Gopala K. Anumanchipalli and Edward F. Chang supported by the NSF GRFP. I am part of the Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) Lab and Chang Lab at UCSF. My research focuses on restoring speech and movement to those who have lost it due to severe paralysis using Communication Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs).

My work has been featured in the New York Times (front cover story 08/24/2023), the White House, WSJ, NPR, Nature, MIT Tech Review, and more.

Earlier I got my B.S. degree from Columbia University under Paul Sajda. In addition to research, I enjoy running and I’ve completed various races such as the Moab 240 mile Endurance Run and the Bigfoot 200 mile Endurance Run. I’ve also spent over 100 days in silent meditation at Vipassana meditation centers around the world.